Month: June 2016

Bella and Gio

First Anniversary
As we celebrate our first anniversary today it’s hard not to look back at all that happened this year. Our fantastic wedding, awesome honeymoon and gorgeous baby are just some highlights. I can’t believe how much time we (mainly me) wasted before this happened and can’t ever imagine not being together. Through ups and downs we have been there for each other. We have one year in the book and many more adventurous years to come. Thank you, Babe, for making my life complete! Continue reading First Anniversary
Aunt Lauren and Uncle Paul try to change me
It was fun watching Aunt Lauren try to figure out how to change my diaper. She was a bit confused at first, but she got the job done. Continue reading Aunt Lauren and Uncle Paul try to change me
Who’s a happy baby?
[envira-gallery id=”2890″] Continue reading Who’s a happy baby?
All hail the king!
Happy smiles
Just practicing my smiles. Continue reading Happy smiles

Last day of school!
I visited Daddy’s and Mommy’s schools today. Everyone loves me! Thanks for my onesie Aunt Roxanne! My Daddy really is the world’s best asst. principal Continue reading Last day of school!